Expansion at Amata Business Park: FRIWO Vietnam Inaugurates Plant IV - FRIWO
31. October 2022

Expansion at Amata Business Park: FRIWO Vietnam Inaugurates Plant IV

With pride, we unveil the inauguration of Plant IV in the esteemed Amata Business Park. This expansion signifies not just growth, but also a commitment to innovation and quality. Discover how Plant IV fortifies our position in the manufacturing sector and opens new horizons.

Innovative Growth in the Manufacturing Sector

For several exciting months, FRIWO Vietnam has been steadfastly pursuing its expansion course, and we are thrilled to announce that we have achieved another significant milestone. Our new production facility, Plant IV, is now operational in the esteemed Amata Business Park. This exciting development underscores our ongoing commitment to expanding our production capacities while maintaining the highest quality standards.

A Glimpse into Plant IV at Amata Business Park

With pride, we unveil Plant IV, boasting an impressive total area of 11,462 square meters. Within this space, 547 square meters are allocated for our central administrative area, serving as the hub for seamless planning, control, and monitoring of our operational processes. This streamlined setup will enable us to further optimize our processes and bring our products to market even faster.

Strategic Proximity to Existing Facilities

The strategic location of Plant IV within the Amata Business Park provides us with an invaluable advantage: immediate proximity to our established Plants I to III. This fosters seamless collaboration and smooth information exchange across various production areas. This close integration will enable us to respond more swiftly to customer demands and efficiently develop innovative solutions.

Innovation, Efficiency, and Sustainability

In Plant IV, we consistently leverage state-of-the-art technologies and production methods to achieve utmost efficiency and precision. Our investments in innovation reflect our determination to lead in the manufacturing sector, captivating our customers with pioneering solutions. Simultaneously, our commitment to sustainability remains firmly rooted, as we consider both ecological and social aspects in our expansion.

Not only have we created ample space for storing production materials, but we have also expanded our production area to 2,916 square meters. This extension allows us to expand our production lines, producing more products in a shorter time.

Community Empowerment and Job Creation

The inauguration of Plant IV bears positive implications not just for our company but also for the community in which we operate. The creation of new job opportunities and the support of the local economy hold paramount importance to us. We take pride in contributing to the positive development of our environment and generating long-term prospects for individuals.

A Glimpse into the Future

With the inauguration of Plant IV at Amata Business Park, we showcase our determination to transcend our limits and realize our aspirations. FRIWO Vietnam remains a driving force in the manufacturing sector, standing for quality, innovation, and commitment. Our customers can trust us to continue delivering top-notch products and continuously improving to surpass their expectations.

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